Michelle Clough
Ginger Line Designs

Donut Worry, Be Happy Wall Art.jpg
Wonderful Wall Art 2.jpg

Hello, I'm Michelle and I created Ginger Line Designs back in 2014 after living and breathing print, pattern and textiles for ten years.

Proudly throughout my career I have worked with many high profile celebrities, seen my textile designs grace many pages of magazines and even draped in the window sets on Eastenders, but more and more I felt the passion to create crazier, quirky homewares that would make people stop, point and smile! 

Designs that provoke a happy feeling or memory.

So back in April I dusted off my squeegee and silk screens from my university days, rolled up my sleeves and got gloriously messy in the print room. All the designs in my collection have been inspired by my travels afar and close to my London home. Our quirky capital is even the inspiration behind Ginger Line Designs thanks to the nickname locals adopted for the orange Overground line that runs through my home, Peckham Rye.

I love taking control of the whole screen print process, from sketching designs to finalising layouts, mixing inks by eye and then finally pulling the colour through the screen to see my design emerge.

Using only premium, eco friendly and responsibly sourced materials I also support local businesses and use only British manufacturers to help produce my Ginger Line homewares. I truly believe the craft and individuality of hand screen printing brings each of my characters to life, something you just don't get from digital printing.

So, that's me! I hope you love what you see and want a little Ginger Line Design o spice up your home.

insta: @ginger_line_designs
twitter: @Ginger_Line
facebook: @GingerLineDesigns